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Connect to Sambapos with tablet

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--- Quote from: nedryerson on October 26, 2012, 08:04:03 am ---To use SambaPOS with one or more android tablets, for me this solution works fine:

1. Install SambaPOS on a PC (Pentium 4, Core2Duo, i3, ...) with Windows XP Professional (or Vista Business/Ultimate, or Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate)
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2005 or 2008 (see SambaPOS website for details)
3. Configure SambaPOS to use with SQL Server Express (see SambaPOS website for details)
4. Install Windows Terminal Server Patch in order to use remote desktop with several user accounts simultaneously (give google the keywords "windows 7 terminal server patch")
5. Activate remote desktop server function in Windows; firewall will be configured automatically
5. For each tablet user, create one additional windows user account
6. Configure SambaPOS to use with several terminals; each terminal correspond to one PC or tablet user
7. On your (Android) tablet (best: display with 7 oder 10 inch and resolution of 1024x600 or 1024x768), install app like "2X", which offers connection to a PC using original Windows remote desktop
8. Configure app on your tablet according to your network settings, using a Windows user account on the PC that you created for a tablet user
9. On your tablet, you now remote the Windows desktop and can start the normal SambaPOS program (not the Samba terminal program, as this is for very small displays on PDAs or iPods ...)

--- End quote ---

I will try it on my tablet so that I cna connect sambapos on my tablet. Thanks!


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