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Cash Drawer Info ?

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hello i would like to know how to setup my cash drawer to open when i take a payment only  my printers are epson brand cash drawer connects throu rj11 thank you for the help guys

thank you guys after some reading i found the answer to my question i had to add
the following into my print header  <XCT 27,112,48,55,121> at the beginning  i also did the following to get it to open only when a cash payment is made

You'll configure an Action and a Rule for triggering Print Job on clicking Cash.

First of all if you have any automatically triggered (When To Print = Ticket Paid) Print Job, change "When to Print" setting to Manual.

For creating the action:

    From "Actions" screen create an Action
    Name it as something like Execute Open Drawer Job
    Set "Action Type" to "Execute Print Job".
    Under Parameters label "Print Job Name" parameter should appear. Select the print job you configured for opening drawer.
    Save it.

Now we configured an action for executing that print job. Let's configure when it will trigger.

    From "Rules" screen create a Rule.
    Name it as you wish. (For example Trigger Cash Drawer Command)
    From "Event Name" list choose "Payment Received"
    Set "PaymentType" parameter to "Cash" so it will trigger only when payment type is Cash.
    Click Select Actions.
    Choose Execute Open Drawer Job (or whatever you named it as) action from Actions list by double clicking on it.
    Save and Close

Awesome well done! Thanks for sharing, now if I may ask you some questions...

the XTC 27,112,0,64,240 line (Epson TM-T88IIIP) I added into my header of my ticket template but I did not get any response.

I do notice that the printer actually prints <XTC 27,112,0,64,240>  on the page...

Am I using the right line sequence?

Thank you

its XCT not XTC


Awesome! thank you it works!

How to set drawer kick without Actions/Rules but using printing job & template method ((for those (me) who struggle with Action rule applications))

Create Printer Job and
Create Printer Template with XCT xx,xx,xx,xx in the header area (no other info needed), this executes drawer pop,
Link to terminal.



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