English Boards > Support

Euro Symbol

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Hi guys, e really need some help..

I simply cannot use the euro symbol € anywhere, not on the tickets, nor on the customer display, and i really need it, can somebody help me out?

I changed the character set of the printer to 850, 860, etc i always get weird characters, but never the euro symbol, the only one that works is the dollar symbol... please help!

Nobody ?

Change the Currency Symbol at Windows Settings.

"Language and Regional Settings>Additional Settings>" Change the currency symbol, restart SambaPOS.

It should work.

Thank you for the reply, but it didn't work, i allready have the Euro symbol defined there, that's why i can't figure out why this doesn't work.

In the windows settings everything looks good for my region (Portugal), there's the Euro symbol etc, the problem only arises when on sambapos i send a ticket to the printer and on the customer display, if i put a dollar symbol on the templates it display the dollar correctly, but when i change that to the Euro symbol it comes out with wierd characters like '?' .....

Any ideas ?

Does your hardware supports € symbol? For example customer display should display € symbol if you type echo hello € > COM1 from command prompt. You should change COM1 part of command if it connected to a different port.

Standard ascii character set does not contains € symbol so if it is possible for your hardware try changing character set from driver software.


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