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Ticket Series

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Hy guys,

I have a big question regarding ticket series, is it possible to configure this cenario ?

On one network having to workstations
1 Sambapos workstation A creating tickets on serie A000
1 Sambapos workstation B creating tickets on serie B000

But the tickets when they are created must mantain the serie like so :

Sambapos A creates ticket A001
Samba B creates ticket B001
Sambapos A creates ticket A002
Sambapos A creates ticket A003
Sambapos B creates ticket B002

And so on...

Thanks in advance...

If you are using different departments for different workstations then you can set different numerators for each department.

If you are using same departments you can use tags and assign them to print jobs and then assign the print jobs to the terminal.

Thak you for your reply..

I see what you mean, but internally the ticket system sometimes skips the ticketnumber field so i cannot use it for accouting purposes, the only one that i can use for a unique number is the ticketid wich is an autonumber in the database, but i need to use series for the accountant.

Wich raises another question, we have a ticketnumber wich is generate by samba, but i have noticed that sometimes it skips number for instance i could be A001 and the next one could come out A003 and so on...

For display purposes it doesn't really matter, but for accounting purposes i need a sequencial number for each ticket always, and the only one i can use it's the autonumber ticketid, but then i can't use series, this is something demanded by the portuguese state.

Any workaround ideas ?

Thanks in advance...

are you using 2 different departments?

Yes and No,

I have 2 computers (terminals) with only one department (restaurant) and i would need each terminal to have it's on series of tickets, but having 2 terminals with different departments should not make any difference, i would still need to have tickets with different series, say terminal A with tickets on the A0001 sequence in the restaurant department and another terminal on the B0001 sequence in the balcony department.

Thanks in advance,


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