Original post
Hello CafeCuppio
When autologout feature active SambaPOS does not refresh cache for speeding up logins. So if you keep terminals at that state your terminals won't know work period refreshed. You have two options.
You can totally logoff by clicking to "Main Menu" button after logging in
By using messagingserver application you can refresh terminals when workperiod restarted on server.
Messagingserver is basically a chat server

We use it for sending messages to terminals.
First of all you need to start messagingserver.exe on server and enable Autostart setting. If you receive a firewall warning please allow messagingserver application. Generally there is no need to change default Port Number (8080) but if you change it you should change it on terminals too.
Mine doesn't even connect. My computer (server) name = FMT1
Network Name = WORKGROUP
MYSQL database name = SQLEXPRESS
Any ideas???