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Receipts, Split Bills and Payment screen

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I having trouble getting SambaPOS to print a receipt twice when a split-bill payment is made.

So I can get my head round it - can someone tell me the purpose of the 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/n buttons down the side in the payment screen. I was on the understanding that these were something to do with split the bill.

If you press 1/2 to split the bill 2 ways, it puts the correct amount in and prints the receipt for the first payment, when I the press ALL to pay the second half I do not get a receipt printed and have tried various combinations.

Am I using the 1/2 etc buttons correctly or should I train staff to split the bill differently so that the system prints one receipt for all payments received.


I'm also curious to see how those buttons work. Tried but couldnt get any understandable result yet. I'l update you if I found any.

I had SambaPOS on a live trial this weekend and the one reoccurent issue is splitting bills and getting some kind of split receipt.

It must be possible but I am having trouble configuring receipts actions and rules. I continued yesterday but have been unable to fix. So would someone be able to assist me with the following example.

Two people dine at same table, order taken, food served, one bill given. Both want to pay half of bill each. Both people want a receipt for the amount they paid individually and how they paid (card or cash)

How do I get two receipts showing amounts paid by splitting as I cannot seem to get it to work properly. I can get a receipt for the whole amount but not a split amount. It will not show credit card as payment method when using [Payment Type] on receipt template.

The receipt does not have to breakdown what food or drink they had cause I can just give them Two copies of the bill.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello lemmings. There is a printer template feature called setting printing. You can store a value in memory with "Update Program Setting" action and print it with {SETTING:XYZ} Tag. For example you can handle "Payment Received" Rule and call "Update Program Setting" action to store payment amount. If you name setting as PYMNTAMNT {SETTING:PYMNTAMNT} tag will print that amount.

Again not the exact example but that page tells how to print "Tendered" and "Payment Due" amounts on receipts. http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,680.0.html

I hope it helps.

Thanks Emre I will give it a try later.

So what is the purpose of the 1/2  1/3  1/4 and 1/n buttons


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