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Voucher option - Gift cards?

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But there is still no way to view reports on customer actions or account history.We were able to pull up current customer data for open tickets, but nothing for customer sales history - even though the table exists in the DB. It would be nice to be able to view customer sales history for analysis and future integration with marketing channels. Is this planned?

Also, back on topic. What does voucher do? I still need a way to accept payment via gift certificate.


1. I sent screen shot of ticket explorer on the other topic you created and described how to display closed tickets by customer name.
2. I also wrote in my previous post on this topic " you can display past transactions of a customer by clicking "Customer Account" button".
I don't know what can I do more for that.

Voucher is an alternative payment method to cash and credit card. Some restaurants using it to track sodexo, multinet, etc. payments.

I understand the screen "Customer Accounts". When I 'search' a customer, some names come up; however, I cannot select the customer- All of the buttons on the right are greyed out except for Close.

Am I missing something?

You need to fill phone and address fields to be able to select a customer.

Being a bar, we do not necessarily have the opportunity to get their number and address- only their name.

am i safe to assume there is not way to get around this? do I need to put a '1' or other character just to be able to 'save' the customer?


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