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Print bill on second terminal


Hi Emre

Let me start off by saying thank u for your work

I have the following setup
Server has printer for kitchen com1
Bar has printer com1
Terminal has printer com1
Cashier has printer on com1

I would to know how to setup So I can print customers bill on all machines
Current only cashier can print bill
Kitchen printer works great on all terminals when I send the order
When I hit print bill on other than cashier I get invalid printer name  error

Hello indyptech
As far as I can understand your problem is terminals shares same printing configuration.
For your need we need to seperate them and configure each terminal individually for bill printing.

For example you have cash1, cash2 terminals:

1. Create "Cash1" and "Cash2" terminals from "Terminals" menu.
2. Walk in front of Cash1 computer and choose "Cash1" from "Local Settings". Do the same for the other but choose "Cash2" as Terminal. Now each computers physically use different terminal settings. You can do the rest from any computer.
3. Create two printers from "Printers" menu. "Cash1 Printer" and "Cash2 Printer"
4. Create two print jobs and name them as "Print to Cash1", "Print to Cash2" and map them to related Printers.
5. For "Cash1" terminal choose "Print to Cash1" Print Job and for "Cash2" terminal choose "Print to Cash2" Print Job. Dont forget to choose other needed print jobs such as Kitchen printing.

Now each cash should use their own printer.

thank you very much i got it working now im learning more and more about sambapos 


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