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How to create the PERFECT BILL

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hello i want to create this bill

(how can i create also the taxes for it with 1 for drinks with 10% and 2 food with 20%) 

would be a good example for everyone :D

Hmm Razi.. It seems you want to print tax details while tax included prices printed.
This is not allowed in our country :) If we display tax totals on tickets we should print tax excluded prices. Or if we print tax included prices we don't display tax totals separately. If customer requests an invoice or ticket includes alcoholic drinks we use option 1, if not we print tickets with option 2. 

That's why there is an "Always Exclude Tax" option in print jobs. When this option is enabled (taxes included to price or not) SambaPOS always prints tax excluded prices and tax totals calculates.

I understood why some friends can't print tax totals on ticket. I'll improve tax printing on next release and prepare a ticket template for this sample ticket. Thank you for sending the ticket format you need.

would be nice if u can do it asap ( i think in austria & germany we need taxes on the bill)

need it in restaurant the new bill :D

and  {TOTAL TEXT}  the currency is in dollar should be in EURO
and btw love ur free software

this is what i did till yet

but it won't calculate everything together

and how can i add € sign?

and how can i reset the Ticket.Nr.?  its now 36 i want 0 for everyday

I recently uploaded SambaPOS 2.73 release for tax printing issue.

Here is my sample design:

Visit http://doc.sambapos.org/doku.php/en/tips/sample_ticket_printer_template for formatting details.

Printer should support € sign. My printer doesn't have € sign in default character set so I used $ instead. You'll find required settings under Local Settings > Language Settings for changing {TOTAL TEXT} values.

We search tickets by their ticket number. For this reason we shouldn't reset it for avoiding duplicates. We may add a secondary ticket number that daily resets on further releases.

thx emre very much

1 question left  - how can i define beverage and food ???
2                       - and how can i define the taxes for the items
3       - add a secondary ticket number that daily resets (THAT WOULD BE NICE)


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