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How to create the PERFECT BILL

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1,2 : First you'll create tax templates for each tax type and choose them from product cards.
3: I added daily resetting ticket numbers request in our todo list. Thanks.


thx very much   :D

a) but can u make it like the example (first pic)  for taxes
so u can see it with and without taxes - NETTO & BRUTTO

b) just with the reset for everyday that would be nice :D

Netto & Brutto details does not exists for now. We'll add simple scripting support on printer templates for that kind of simple calculations.

Hello; While implementing some other SambaPOS features I've noticed we can create a counter that resets everyday...

Let me describe how it can be done:

Action for Increasing the counter

* Create a new action, Name it as "Increase daily counter" and the Action Type will be "Update Program Setting"
* Setting Name will be ORDERNUMBER
* Setting Value is 1
* Update Type is Increase
* IsLocal = FalseAction for Tagging Ticket with Current Counter Number

* Create a new action, Name it as "Tag Ticket With Counter Number", Action type is "Update Ticket Tag"
* Tag Name will be Order No
* Tag Value will be {:ORDERNUMBER} . That means Tag Value will be equal to current ORDERNUMBER setting.Action for Resetting Counter

* Create a new Action, Name it as "Reset Daily Counter" and the Action type is "Update Program Setting"
* Setting Name = ORDERNUMBER
* Setting Value = 0
* Update Type = UPDATE
* IsLocal = FalseThese are the required actions now we'll create rules for defining how these actions will work.

Rule for Giving Next Number to Ticket

* Create a new rule, Name it as "Give Ticket Number" and select "Ticket Created" event.
* Click "Select Actions". Choose "Increase Daily Number" and "Tag Ticket with Counter Number"This rule will increase the number and tag ticket with that number.

Rule For Resetting Counter

* Create a new rule, Name it as "Reset counter on End of Day", and select "Work Period Ended" event.
* Click Select Actions. Choose "Reset Daily Counter".This rule will reset counter when you end the work period.

For printing that number use {TICKETTAG:Order No} value tag. You can add that number to a printer template header or create a new template for printing a small paper that shows the customer order number...

Teşekkür Ederiz means Thanks :)


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