SambaPOS Forum

English Boards => Support => Topic started by: rvandam on January 01, 2013, 03:48:33 am

Title: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on January 01, 2013, 03:48:33 am
First of all, a happy new year for all!

I am working on kitchen messages right now. We use these quite much to inform the kitchen about when they can serve main course, and to inform when x people enter the restaurant. Right now I  make print tasks and the option "show button"

This solution works very well for messages like "table 15 ready for main course"

This solution is not so good for messages like "10 people entered the restaurant"

I did take a look how this was solved at our current pos (hope to get rid of it soon). At the current pos messages are treated like 0,00 articles (gift items). So when 10 people enter the restaurant you type 10 x button "people entered restaurant". Unfortunately when these messages are mapped to a table, they show up at the bill.

I had the idea to make an product group named messages, and mark the products as "gift item". The problem is that I am not sure if it is a good idea to remove the gift items from the ticket printer template. What happens for example when I give a discount?

Would it be an idea to add an extra checkbox with the option "message" to products, next to the option "gift item"?

Or is there a good solution within the current program, like tagging these message products, and filter them out from the ticket printer template? I know there is a template tag {item tag}, is it also possible like this {if not item tag message}?
Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: emre on January 01, 2013, 06:55:10 am
Leaving messages as gift items in ticket might not be a good solution. Gifted items shown in reports and you may want to use gifting feature in the future.

By playing with actions and rules it is possible to tag proper items and print them but excluding items from printing is not possible.

A solution might be removing message items from ticket automatically as soon as they printed. Since they do not remain in ticket there will be no need to exclude them from printing. If it sounds like a good solution for you I can give more details about that.
Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on January 01, 2013, 08:03:05 am
Thank you for the reply :-)

Removing message items automatically sounds very good. If this means I can send pre formatted messages to the kitchen like in the ts I am happy.

I was indeed worried about the consequences, abusing the gift feature for messages.
Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: emre on January 01, 2013, 01:53:09 pm
OK. The idea is creating menu items for messages and print them as soon as they've added in ticket.

First of all while trying it on my SambaPOS installation I've noticed two little bugs that generates error messages. We'll add an additional step for the workaround. This should be configured before start.

Applying Ticket Item Tag Fix:
That will fix the bug. Now we'll start creating needed actions and the rule.

The Action that will tag lines as "Message"
The Action that will execute Kitchen Print Job. We'll use default Kitchen printing job here but if needed you can create additional print job and printing template.
The action that will Void ticket items tagged as message. Since these orders are new it will just remove the ticket line instead of voiding it.
Now we'll create the rule that will execute these actions.
That means when a Menu Item with "Message" Group Code added to Ticket, SambaPOS will Tag the line as "Message", Execute the Print Job for items tagged with "Message" and Void items tagged with "Message".

When operator chooses a message, nothing will happen visually since items immediately gets deleted. For a Visual Feedback you can consider creating a "Show Message" action and execute it at the end of the "Message Printing Rule"

Another alternative might be Tagging ticket with "Last Message" tag for storing last sent message. To configure it:
After saving it switch back to "Message Printing Rule"
Now choosing Message Items should display last sent message under the ticket.

I hope it will solve your problem.

Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on January 01, 2013, 02:35:04 pm
Thank you for the detailed problem fix, I really appreciate it!

Unfortunately I wont be able to apply it tomorrow, so I will let you know if it worked by Thursday (next Monday we will start the first test week in the restaurant with the system and I cannot wait :) ).

Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on January 03, 2013, 07:28:48 am
I have followed the steps you gave exactly (without the feedback part).

The void part is working well, but I cannot get the print part working.

Here is what I did beside the steps from above:

* I made a product group called Messages
* in this group I added 2 products called "Extra person" and " Ready for starter" with a price of 0.01. To be sure I have added an extra space as first character to " Ready for starter"
* I have added the Messages group to the menu
* I have added an extra print task --> product group Messages -->printer and printer template same as Kitchen orders
* I disabled option "close ticket" (also tried enabled) --> Auto print after new rules added to ticket
* I added the print task to the terminal

When I press the Message article button, the article doesn't show up at the screen, so the void part does well
Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on January 03, 2013, 08:57:37 am
I found the solution :-)

In the action "Print Messages" I typed in the English Print Rule name "Print orders to kitchen printer" Instead I simply should have selected the Dutch localized version from the list....sighs....  :) I think I should have taken one extra coffee before I started this morning.

I also removed the print job "Messages" since it works perfectly without. Printing messages to the kitchen works very intuitive now. I recommend this solution for everybody who needs to communicate to the kitchen by tickets.

Thank you for the great support!!!
Title: Re: Kitchen messages
Post by: rvandam on February 05, 2013, 06:20:54 am
Our staff is very creative in finding new problems :-)

I got the complaint that the kitchen messages were erased immediately, so waiter1 could not check if waiter2 has informed the kitchen about passing the main course etc.

My first solution was to print out the kitchen message both in the kitchen as in the bar. This looked like a good solution, but in summer on the terrace we plan to use an extra terminal or tablets.

Second I tried to erase the Messages using rule "ticket close", but unfortunately I could not get this working.

As last resort I decided to abuse the Gift function for this. I marked all messages as gift, and removed the gift line from the ticket template. Because the header was still printed on the tickets, I tagged all messages with an empty space. I use {PRODUCT TAG} to group the products on the ticket.

Although I am missing the gift feature now (which we weren't using anyway), this seems to be the only working solution right now.

If anybody has a better solution I am happy to hear it. :)