SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => Support => Topic started by: nixta on April 01, 2013, 06:13:21 am
Hi Guys,
I'm pretty much a nobbie on this forum, I've been playing around with the SambaPOS and it ROCKS!!! :)
Now I've got a question there any way of personalizing the application with custom logos etc...?
Thanks in advance,
Happy user :)
yes that can be done by downloading the source, making changes and recompiling the code.
You can customize logo on login screen by overriding "logo.png" under images folder. You don't need to make code changes for that.
Thanks for the replies guys.
Where can i download the source code for latest version...can anyone paste the link.Thanks
Link to source code for version 2.99: (
Although if you are changing the logo that sits on the login screen you dont need to touch the source code. Jusr locate the images folder within program files\sambapos and change the image file for you proposed logo.
am not able to download the source code from the given link can someone guide me how to proceed?thanks
First get an account with google code
Download and install mercurial (
This software enables you to clone the source code and make a local copy, any changes can be stored in the clone.
I used it from command-line once installed with the line
hg clone (
Thanks, it really worked and i was able to download it.
Another quick question on this..
the samba network section quite rightly points to sambapos to buy hardware and get support. But the customers we've give the software too for free have asked if the link inside the software could be linkekd to our support page as we're local to them.
Is there anywhere in the software we can change this easily?
You are referring to V3 of Ssmbapos and the Samba Market link on Navigation screen.
The URL is found in Samba.Modules.MarketModule/MarketModule.cs
Many thanks for the information. I'm currently using V2.99c with this customer. Is the web url in a simlilar location on v2.99c?
You are referring to the Browser in the Manage Section, in V2 SambaPos
OK, you need to change the address in Samba.Modules.SettingsModule\SettingModule.cs - its currently set to (
You will also need to change the relevant resources.resx file in Samba.Localization to change the working for SambaPOS Website to say Support Site.
You may also need to change the Turkish in the browser window, this is hard-coded so you will need to edit BrowserView.xaml
Hope this helps.
Yeah it all helps. I managed to get the other hardcoded stuff sorted out just couldnt find the weburl anywhere.