SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => Support => Topic started by: Digitalplague on January 09, 2012, 02:24:52 pm
Hello Im testing out this software for my father-in-law. currently testing on my pc. when the time comes to use it itll be on aother can i copy what ive added and edited 8) on to another machine?
Does no one know the answer?
This forum is only small and its members are spread across the globe - please don't expect quick answers.
What database are you using? TXT, SQLCE or SQL?
You can find this either at the login screen down the bottom left of the screen or by going to Manage > Settings > Local Settings > Data Connection String
Additionally you can check the version number displayed on the login screen. (bottom-left)
It may end with TX for (text), CE for (SQLCE) or SQL...
ah thanks its CE. Forgive me for the haste.
Good, goto Manage > Settings > Local Settings > Data Connection String. This will tell you where the database is located. Copy this file.
Then install SambaPOS onto the new computer making sure you tick Compact SQL during installation.
Once installed, run SambaPOS and login to make sure all is working. Logout and Exit.
Then take the copy your existing database and copy to the same location on the new computer - the path may be different due to the username and OS.
Note: All data is transferred, including sales and any other testing you have done.
Look at this,60.msg177.html#msg177 (,60.msg177.html#msg177) to help with removing transactional data.
Good Luck.