SambaPOS Forum

English Boards => Support => Topic started by: rvandam on June 23, 2013, 01:40:48 am

Title: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 23, 2013, 01:40:48 am
I have a pc setup in my restuarant working as server. On this pc the sqlexpress database is running, and the message server.

On a client pc I installed Sambapos as well, with a connection string pointing to the server.

When I add/change a table on the client, the table view on the server is refreshed. This works as it should.

When I add/change a table on the server the client screen is not refreshed.

I have setup a rule with event "message received"
And an action "refresh cache"

Server and client have different terminals, but both have the same default department.

Any hints on this?
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 23, 2013, 01:46:35 am
Did you setup the Message Server Name in all of the Terminals and set to Auto Start ?
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 24, 2013, 12:15:53 am
Thanks for the reply. Yes client is running in all terminals (status right below screen says connected)

Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 24, 2013, 02:32:18 am
So to recap. You have the Message Server Application running on 1 computer (lets say POS1), and on all of the terminals you have the Message Server Name set as POS1 and set to Auto Start.

Do you have any firewalls running on the terminals?
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 24, 2013, 04:56:51 am
I will check the firewall, but I assumed that the status would be "disconnected" if the firewall would make problems.
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 24, 2013, 05:33:07 am
Are you running the Message Server Application on each terminal or only one terminal?
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 24, 2013, 07:22:45 am
I am only running the terminal server on the main computer. Should I run it on the clients as well?
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 24, 2013, 08:27:18 am
The Message Server should only run on one computer. All others connect to it.
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 25, 2013, 12:54:55 am
Strange I checked and rechecked....not working. Ik have added the message server port (tcp) to the incomming and outgoing firewall rules. Very strange.

Edit: I found the problem! The client was connected through wifi. When connected by lan everything works as it should.

Thanks JohnS for the help!
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 25, 2013, 07:03:21 am
Glad its working.

Both LAN & WLAN can have separate firewall settings, which may be the cause of your issues.

Note to forum members :- If you ever have network issues, be it database connection, message server, etc, ALWAYS turn the firewalls OFF (this includes firewalls in internet security software too). On a local network there is no need to have firewalls running - your modem/router is your firewall, and make sure you have a decent password for wifi routers.
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: rvandam on June 26, 2013, 01:46:02 am
I tried everything in de wifi router. Put the client pc in a DMZ, switch the firewall off etc. etc. Nothing worked, so pulled a new utp cable to the client.

Next time I will look for a decent wlan router which supports bridging. :-)
Title: Re: Message server only works in one direction
Post by: JohnS on June 26, 2013, 02:02:44 am
Its not the wifi router thats the issue (unless you have wireless isolation turned on or some really weird router).
Its the firewall in Windows on the network connections.

Wifi router firewall and DMZ relates only to outside traffic getting in, it does not affect local traffic - wireless and wired computers are on the same network with no restrictions. To me its an issues with your wireless on the laptop. Are you running any Internet Security software like AVG or Nortons? If so, turn off the firewall in that, or disable the whole system temporarily for testing.