SambaPOS Forum

English Boards => Support => Topic started by: limeypacker on July 14, 2013, 03:11:25 am

Title: Printing recipt for the till
Post by: limeypacker on July 14, 2013, 03:11:25 am
thanks for this program it has made my life so easy training the staff to use i need to have the printer print out a ticket after the customer has paid for me to keep and use for end of day accounting

Thanks in advance for the help
Title: Re: Printing recipt for the till
Post by: JohnS on July 14, 2013, 03:14:43 am
What do you need printed ?
The bill again or something else ?
Title: Re: Printing recipt for the till
Post by: Hugove on July 14, 2013, 04:44:05 am
@ limeypacker

I think I know what you mean. I had the same requirement for my deli. Printing a duplicate to keep in the till you need:

1)Create Print job
3) Rule
4) Assign to a terminal(s)

1) Create new print job: call it something like "Create duplicate receipt"

Printing content = All lines
Auto Print after = Ticket paid
Payment types = check all
Check close ticket
Add print mapping:  Select department if you have one, the printer and the printer template

2) New Action: Print Duplicate bill

Action type: Execute print job
Print job name: Create duplicate receipt

3) Create new Rule: Call it something like "Print duplicate bill"
Event name: Payment Received
If you have different departments select it
Actions:   Execute print job

4) Go to terminals and add the print job you named above.

Hope this helps. Works for me.


Execute print job
Title: Re: Printing recipt for the till
Post by: JohnS on July 14, 2013, 05:05:34 am

You can do it with less steps.

1. Duplicate your Receipt Print Job, and name it 'Receipt - Copy'
   - Printing Content - All Lines
   - Set Auto Print After - Ticket Paid, and tick all payments
   - Untick all boxes on left
2. Add Print Job to terminal.

Thats it.
Title: Re: Printing recipt for the till
Post by: limeypacker on July 15, 2013, 05:44:47 am
thanks guys i will work on it and let you know