SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => Support => Topic started by: pecanhouse on May 04, 2012, 01:38:09 pm
I use the system for gift cards I apply a negative balance to account bal but is there a way just to alter print job have this so far:
<J10>[Total Gift:|{GIFT TOTAL}]
<J10>Sales Tax:|{TAX TOTAL}
<J10>[Account Balance:|{ACC BALANCE}]
<J00>Remaining Balance before tip:|[= Format (ToNumber ('{ACC BALANCE}') + (ToNumber ('{TICKET TOTAL}')))]
<C10>T H A N K Y O U
if its possible to Multiply the acc bal by -1 should work ?
[= Multiply by -1 Format (ToNumber ('{ACC BALANCE}') + (ToNumber ('{TICKET TOTAL}')))]
Thanks for any sujestions
Can you try?
[=Format(Abs(ToNumber('{ACC BALANCE}')+ToNumber ('{TICKET TOTAL}')))]
Thanks the only prob with this is that if some one goes over the account bal it still shows positive. Thank you though I'm am not familiar on how to group formulas together but i added another ToNumber to the mix thanks thanks for the help!
<J10>[Total Gift:|{GIFT TOTAL}]
<J10>Sales Tax:|{TAX TOTAL}
<J10>Account Balance:|[= Format (ToNumber ('{ACC BALANCE}')*-1)]
<J00>Remaining Balance before tip:|[= Format (ToNumber (ToNumber ('{ACC BALANCE}') + (ToNumber ('{TICKET TOTAL}')))*-1)]
<C10>T H A N K Y O U