SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => Support => Topic started by: ani on December 08, 2011, 09:14:53 am
I installed sambapos with compact sql and it works fine. Now I install sql express to use it on a network, ,but where and when do sambapos creates the sql database? I use SQL Server Managment Studio, but can´t find sambapos database, thanks, -Ani
Hello ani, welcome to SambaPOS forums.
SambaPOS will automatically create database as soon as it connects to your SQL Express. Most probably you didn't configured SambaPOS to connect to SQL Express installation.
You can configure SambaPOS to use SQL Express from Management > Settings > Local Settings screen.
You can find more information from
Thanks for the soon response,
I am using:
data source=ANI-PC; user id=sa; password=sasql
(this user and password works in SQL Server Management studio)
and I get this error:
Hata Mesaji:
The provider did not return a
ProviderManifestToken string.
Am I missing somethin? Thanks, -Ana Maria
I tried with:
data source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS
and now it works fine, thanks.
dear emre,
I am trying to install a client and connect to SQL Express server. I use connection string with the following format: data source=[Server Computer Name]\[SQL Express Instance Name]; user id=[User Name]; password=[Password]
but I got error message as follow:
Hata Mesaji:
The provider did not return a
ProviderManifestToken string.
I tried using SQLCMD to connect to the server and it works. pls adv. Thanks
Hmm it is a general error message so it is hard to understand the exact problem. Since you can connect with SQLCMD you should be able to connect with SambaPOS too. If SQL Express installed as default instance you should only type server name as data source. You can try adding an additional ";" at the end of the password maybe...
Johan, check you TCP/IP is enable in your SQL Express configuration. (when you install SQL Express for default TCP/IP is disable)
i had the same problem but i solved it.
first check the sql server to get the tcp/ip port that sambapos uses. my sqlexpress uses tcp/ip=2487.
then open sambasettings.txt. (click start-> programs->sambapos->samba data ...)
find the sentence "data sourse=......... "
and and change to:
"data source=[servere]\[Instance],[port no]; user id=[userid]; password=[password]"
for example my settings is
"data source=BOS\SQLEXPRESS,2487; user id=sa; password=123"
you should write tcp/ip port number. it worked for me.
SQL Express can be difficult to get going. I have found also that sometimes if SQL Server Browser is not running (usually disabled after install) you can experience remote connection issues to the database.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for take your time to read this message. I really appreciated.
I'm really new to SambaPOS and we have three computers need to work. It need to be network.
My goal: I need your help how to setup three PCs to run SambaPOS.
What I did:
step 1: I installed SambaPOS2 =SambaSetup299a into a Server=hostname and Client1=hostname.
step 2: I installed SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU
step 3: I enable TCP/IP like here: On the right, you'll see TCP/IP. Right click into “Properties." Click on the second tab that says "IP Addresses." Scroll to the very bottom and make sure that "TCP Dynamic Ports" under "IPAll" has the port number you're using. Click ok.
Done installation!
I went Server=hostname and change the default string into data source=Server\SQLEXPRESS according to instruction here: (
I went to computer Client1=hostname and click on SambaPOS2 icon on desktop and open the program:
-Typed default password
-Manage => Settings => Local Settings and changed data source=Server\SQLEXPRESS the same as server ten I got this error message pop up say" Error message: the provider did not return a providermanifesttoken string "
How can i fix it? what is the right way to start it.
Please help, Thank you!