SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => V3 Development => Topic started by: spanky on September 19, 2012, 05:58:09 pm
Hello emre, why do not you start to write the files to be translated?
I offer myself for the Italian translation. save the print file will be included in v3? is important for me to make receipts fiscal.
Hello Spanky. I'm planing to use ( for V3 translations. It is a good solution and free for open source projects.
I'll be happy if you can create an issue for "print to file" feature on github.
therefore, will be a team of Transifex translate in different languages, and not us end users?
Of course we'll translate it :) The only difference is we won't use spreadsheets.
OK! Give a hand to Italian. :)
I joined Transifex, sambapos but the project is not yet present?
Hi Spanky. I think we should start it after reaching first beta. For now translation resources changes frequently and trying to synchronize them will be hard.
For now we need to hunt V3 bugs and fix them :)
I do the translation request of Transifex, then what?
I'm trying to find a way for removing unused resources and uploading the rest. I'll let you know when it is ready.