Author Topic: Maximum Price for a Tickent Item  (Read 9295 times)


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Maximum Price for a Tickent Item
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:25:47 pm »
Is it possible with Rules and Actions to set a maximum price for a Ticket Item after adding modifiers.

To clarify, an example.  Bagel with custom fillings, Base Price £ 1.95, various modifiers available if all added currently these add £ 5.50 to the Base Price, so a Bagel would cost £ 7.45.

Because customer can select various fillings, I do not want to reduce the more expensive fillings to reduce the total amount as if only a couple of fillings selected the Bagel would cost more to produce than sell.

I have tried with rules to check if a modifier is selected, that if the total group price (which I assume relates to the modifier group) exceeds £ 4.00 then set the maximum price of the Ticket Item (with an action) to £ 4.95 but both these events are being ignored.

I can only assume that as the price is not updated until after the Modifiers Group is closed these actions/rules are being ignored.

Is there another way ??