Author Topic: Difference in Tax  (Read 10561 times)


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Difference in Tax
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:07:36 am »

I have noticed some difference in Tax.

Please find attached the screenshot of the Work Period Report

Tax rate is 6%

When I take Total Sales and multiply with 6% Tax Amount comes as 4,954.25

There is a difference of 2.10

Please let me know why this is happening.



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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 01:15:13 am »
Hello evail, try to check if all products have set the vat. Test with SqlCe40Toolbox will be easier.


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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 03:52:57 am »
Checked the DB, all products are correctly set with VATID as 1.

Then I checked the Tickets List and it seems that there is a major difference in Total Sales.

I took the total of the TotalAmount from the Tickets list from DB. And I took the Work Period Report from SambaPOS. There is a 21,837.10 difference in the Totals from both.

How can there be any difference?


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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 05:49:27 pm »
Hello evail. Of course tax total won't be exactly %6 of the total sales. For example if you sell something for 11,75 exact tax amount should be 0,705 but we shold round it to make the ticket total payable. Tax amount becomes 0,71 and that makes tax rate %6,042. This is the reason of the difference.

I couldn't understand the thing you calculated from database. Work period reports calculated from db but there are lots of additonal calculations such as gifts, discounts, etc. I don't think getting a direct sum from db gives any idea about correctness of reports. We never encountered such problem but if you have any doubt best way will be storing physical bills for a while and comparing rerport values with your calculation based on printed numbers.


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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 09:24:07 pm »
Thanks Emre,

I understand about the Tax Difference. Since I have so many individual receipts there is bound to have a minor difference.

But regarding the total of Tickets in DB, I never sell on discount or give any gifts. there has being no cancellations.

I have attached the report of the very first work period.

It says 808 tickets. From DB i took the total of the first 808 tickets and it comes as 19,798.55 which is same as the TOTAL INCOME in the work period report.

However the GRAND TOTAL of Sales is different.


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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2012, 01:47:28 am »
I'm on a business trip so I don't have access to source code for now. Do you notice such difference on latest reports?


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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2012, 03:19:25 am »

Find attached the work period report for the last work period, which is a period of 10 days.

The total of ticket in DB is equal to the TOTAL INCOME in the work period report, that is 15,581.13

However the GRAND TOTAL shows as 15,581.49

I have gone through some tickets in SambaPOS, there is a Balance shown in the receipt with an amount of 0.01

This maybe the cause of the change. therefore please tel me what this "balance" is (shown in the attachment)



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Re: Difference in Tax
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2012, 03:26:40 am »
Details of receipt in question.

2x Burger @ 9.43 each, total 18.86
tax 1.13

receipt total is 19.99 (see attachment)

After entering the sale @ "Cash Payment"

I go to All Tickets to see the ticket details again.

This time it shows Grand Total as 20.00 and Balance of 0.01

Strange thing is I am able to pay this balance again and again without adding any record, since it doesnt create any new tickets or does not change the balance of the ticket.