Author Topic: Forking v2.99c code base and new features  (Read 16800 times)


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Forking v2.99c code base and new features
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:03:14 pm »
Hi Emre,

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I am planning to use v2.99c in production.  Can I request you to move that code base from google to github
so I can fork and add following features which are essential for me but might be useful for other.

Give you some background:
My ice-cream store is take out only. We have two shifts. So each shift will have their start and end work period to avoid
blames in case money is short in drawer.

1. On start work period, allow employee to enter details on how many bills and coins are in drawer and system will automatically count for them. just to avoid counting error.
    e.g $100, $20, $10, $5, $1, 25c, 10c, 5c, 1c

2. On end work period (1st shift change), system will ask employee to take (Total cash - initial cash =)  cash sale, credit receipts, checks, vouchers
   with a printed report signed by morning shift and evening shift employee and put it into safe deposit.
   This will allow evening shift to count remaining money and make sure it is same as what was there in the morning. We keep fixed amount of cash in each cash register.
   Same thing will be repeated at the time of close of evening shift.
   Question: how to trigger drawer open when start and end work periods are selected?

3. Login screen with employees photos/name buttons:
   After first time employee login with password for a given work period/shift, employee doesn't have to relogin when auto logout feature is enabled.
   He can touch his photo and will automatically log him in. This will save time entering password again and again for a given shift.
   NOTE: We have multiple employees sharing a terminal and employee who takes order, makes order. This will change once we have KDS (Kitchen Display System).

4. On given work period, if cash sales is more than x amount, it will ask employee to take that extra cash sales amount from drawer
   and put it in the safe box with a signed printed report. I guess I can implement using trigger based on timer and query cash sales to determine x amount.

5. Need to implement BOGO (Buy one, get one free) button on payment screen. BOGO is a promotion feature where when customer buys two menu items,
  item will lower price will get 100% discounted. As per law, customer is still suppose to pay tax on free item. So giving 50% discount will not work.
   e.g If customer buy one large drink ($3) and one small drink ($2), he will pay $3 + 5% tax on $5(3+2) = $3.25

6. Printing receipt for last order

Let me know if you have suggestions on what is the best way to implement these features and if any available in V3 so I can copy code.



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Re: Forking v2.99c code base and new features
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 08:25:15 pm »
Good! I'll clone it on github and let you know.

For more than 6 months I'm working on V3. For this reason I can't create a quick reply to your questions but I can support your fork. Create issues on your fork for these items and start from one of them. We can communicate through github.

I'll assist you when you need and review your code for potential problems... 

How it sounds?


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Re: Forking v2.99c code base and new features
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 11:09:45 pm »
Hi Emre,
 Thanks for quick response and accepting my request to move code on github.  It will be easier to fork and merge as and when needed.

Yes, it sounds good.  I haven't done much coding in C# particularly web/GUI, I am going to try this and see how much I can implement.  Given your's and community support, it shouldn't be difficult provided I can allocate sufficient time balancing between job, business and family :)



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Re: Forking v2.99c code base and new features
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2013, 06:52:33 am »


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Re: Forking v2.99c code base and new features
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2013, 01:55:43 pm »