Hello rvandam. There is really no problem with taking my time. That's why I'm here. I'm only trying to use my time effectively. (solving most problems with less effort)
While writing this I was aware of you have no problem with paying for customization services. But this is not the issue. During V2 development I've implemented maybe a hundred V2 feature requests and that made SambaPOS a useful tool for everyone. But I've stopped V2 development. I code no new features for V2 other than critical bug fixes. Why I stopped that?
New features means new issues to care about. While adding new features a software never becomes stable. You need to stop it at some point and start developing a new version. This is the only reason. Having a stable release that can be used on production environments and having a development release to implement new features. At this point getting payments does no change.
During may-july 2012 period I tried developing both V2 and V3 versions together because of the high demand but I couldn't handle that. I know we lost a lot of valuable members because of that but If I didn't do so there won't be a V3 release and there won't be a V2 release we could call stable. Trust my software development experience. What we are doing is the best choice for making something useful.
At the beginning of the project I thought we'll attract some attention like other successful open source projects but I was wrong. For a reason restaurant owners does not spread the word so our community looks like a 1 developer and 2-3 active user

That's why you can't find someone to code your needs or answer your questions. Developers or other solution providers won't care us if they don't know how much potential we have. What I learned is things won't happen by itself and I need to care about things other than coding. I'll attend to meetings, contact with people and tell everyone what we are doing ...
I plan to release first V3 beta in mid February. I think V3 beta will increase community activity and we'll quickly find bugs, implement new features and make V3 a great product. I hope it will attract more attention too.
Also.. Thank you very much for your support offer. Your first SambaPOS experience will give the idea about our needs.