I set up SambaPOS for a friend that needed a low cost POS system for a tavern. The system was working great for the first 2 months but has recently has started to exhibit some problems. When the employees end their work periods the system freezes and they have to reboot to continue. And it takes 5 minutes or so to get their work period reports to show up before they can print the report. The system is a single terminal consisting of a Dell Optiplex with 3gH processor, 2 gigs of memory, cash drawer, printer and touch screen. The database is the CE which expands by around 2,500k a month and is a little over 10,000k at this point.
I have been trying to migrate the database to SQL Express using ExportSqlCE40 I get 2 migrate files, migrate_0 and migrate_1. The instructions seem to indicate that only 1 migrate file should be created.
So two questions;
Is the CE database growing too fast too quickly?
Should I be getting 2 migrate files when using ExportSqlCE40?