Author Topic: Default Value for {ITEM TAG} * UPDATED *  (Read 14362 times)


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Default Value for {ITEM TAG} * UPDATED *
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:30:04 pm »
Is there any possible way that a default can be set for this item regardless if the course button has been pressed.

We do not use the course setting all the time and therefore also use the {PRODUCT TAG} to group products but this is causing confusion on the Kitchen Ticket, so I was looking at setting the {ITEM TAG} to say "No Course Setting" at the commencement of a ticket. I have been trying with rules but cannot seem to get it to work.

As always thanks for any advice.

I have managed to set up the correct rules and actions.  I was missing a rule when the ticket was closed therefore, plus I have noticed that I cannot place {ITEM TAG} and {PRODUCT GROUP} in the same part of the Group template otherwise {ITEM TAG} just displays {ITEM TAG}.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 02:51:14 pm by lemmings »