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Multi User Issue

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it is realy Great job.

Please Consider this senario:
1- User A started new ticket and put one order itemon the selected e.g. [Ticket Tag 1], and before he closes the ticket.
2- Another user User B starts to order new items on the same  ticket tag [Ticket Tag 1] and he closed the Ticket.
3- User A finishes with his order just now and closed the ticket.
4- Please View all Tickets now, you will find two separated tickets for the same ticket tag [Ticket Tag 1] which is undesirable.

Q: How to merge these two tickets and assign them to [Ticket Tag 1] ?.

Thanks in advance.

What kind of department is that? Fastfood?

Yes It is.

If you try it on alacarte department you'll see tickets created on same table merges. On fast food department all tickets created as individual tickets. Tags used for a lot of different purposes (guest count, waiter name,etc..) and we can't consider tickets tagged with same tags should considered as a single ticket.

However your request sounds interesting. I'll be happy to hear on which case you need such behavior.

Hi, emre
I'm so sorry  for late reply, but really I need that to be solved , here is the scenario:

We have a fresh fish restaurant in which Guests select their Fish and ask for grill, cooking, etc., and they were given a metal Plate with a Number i.e. [Ticket Tag]and just start the Ticket order starts with Fish and still not closing the Ticket, in some cases some of these Guests of this [Ticket Tag] already went in place and take a table and mention the [Ticket Tag], the Waiter starts their order for other A-la Carte menu using his/here IPAD and closes the Order. in the mean time the first guest who asked for the fish just closed the ticket on the main Cashier which produces a duplicate ticket.
Guests now finishes their eating and come to the main Cashier to Settle the Ticket, two tickets will be their, but we need only one receipt for the guest.

I hope  that you get what I mean.
Many thanks.


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