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Send Email Error

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Got the following error message when trying to send an email.

We use Kerio Mail Server with a self signed SSL certificate.
Mail server is on local network.
Using my email account settings to send to my email account.
Subject - Test
Message - Test Message

Any ideas.

Also, can you describe how to use the Save Report to File Action. I keep getting invalid csv when trying to open the CSV Export with Excel.

PS - Good Morning.


I found when creating CSV file that SambaPos would use Forward slash when creating file name. ie CSV 21/12/2010 instead of 21_12_2010. When I changed the save file name removing forward slashes the file would save and open in excel or openoffice.


That was the other issue with reports I forgot about.

Thanks Edgar.

John: I added "BypassSslErrors" setting to send e-mail action. I couldn't test it but it should solve your issue.
Edgar: I didn't noticed that since we do not use / as date separator so I changed the file name to a more generic format. Thank you for that.


Thank you, works with my mail server now.

But wait - there's more.....

If you have DeleteFile selected, it doesn't.
If the file doesn't exist you get an error when trying to send an email.

PS - I worked out that the files are XPS files, so that's all good now.

So here is my problem. I want to email 4 reports when a Work Period Ends. But because the Rule completes faster than the files get created, I get errors sending the emails.
To get around this, I have it set to create the reports at end of Work Period, then email the files when the User logs off.

Can we combine the File Creation & Email Actions into a third Action? I assume you can only send 1 file per email?


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