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Change Price button

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Hi Emre

If you want to change item price you have to type price them select item the select change price.

Having tried SambaPos on a few people, their natural instinct is to;

Select Item,
Select Change Price
You then get an error message saying to type in amount first

Rather than

Type wanted price in window
Select Item
Change Price

Should the logic be
1 Select Item which then allows access to the change price button
2 Press Change Price Button
3 Bring up a entry box where you can type in new price and predefined reason for price change then press a return button
4 New Price entry box clears
5 Item price is updated with new price and reason for price change.
Just an idea :)


You are totally right about the natural thinking.
I think the real problem is the location of the "Change Price" button.
If we put it next to numerator like "Find Ticket" button, users will behave different.
I think we should avoid popup value entry boxes everywhere.

On the other hand I implemented this feature for a "fish shop". It is useful if the exact price of the item not known while receiving the order.

For changing prices we may consider using other price changing options.

Hi Emre,

Could you have the same logic as change modifier button?

Select Item,
Select change price
Brings up screen similer to
Modifer - Price

You could Have Price - Reason
This would be stored with ticket so you could see in reports why the price was changed so that staff would have to account for price change selection.


Hmm.. I was thinking the same thing for discounts. (Discount reasons)
I think we are about to invent a new abstract pattern for SambaPOS ... What is that :)

What do I mean by abstract pattern?
For example people requested tracking waiters, people count, tips, order sources, etc... inside a ticket. So instead of implementing a new feature for each request we discovered the pattern and implemented an abstract feature called Ticket Tags. With V3 we'll do the same for payments, accounts, tables (locations), modifiers, etc..

Hi Emre,

Of course you are right. This is what makes your concept refreshing. I realise we make lots of requests and it may divert you from your important work, So I hope you take suggestions/comments in the positive intention they are suggested.

If I can be of any help to you please let me know.



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