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Pole display not working after adding terminal

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Anyone have any clue or seen this issue ?

I have added a terminal for a new tablet to collect orders and now my pole display has stopped workinf.

Do I have to reconfigure the rules relating to pole display excluding all terminals apart from server.

Its currently configured terminal = server

Any help would be appreciated

Sounds similar to http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,1530.0.html

What is your physical setup including OS ?


Sounds similar but I dont get any errors it simply does not work at all, not on login, logout, application starting.

I have confirmed the pole display works.  I have also already setup rules for pole display which has been running OK until adding in a new terminal.

Server is XP Pro SP3 (old till !!) has been running on SQL Server, this is main till that has been running SambaPos for past 7 months.

Tablet is an Android Galaxy Tab 2, terminal named Android.

I configured the extra user, setup message server etc etc and tested last night but I didnt think to consider pole display which is on COM3 as the existing rules where setup so Terminal = Server.

I did not add the pole display jobs to the Android terminal and they already coexisted on the Server terminal.

I removed Android terminal this evening restarted SambaPos and all works again.

I also tried changing rule for pole display to exclude Android using Terminal != Android but this did not change the problem.

Hope this info is sufficient

When you login using the tablet, does it lock the server screen?
Have you moved the SambaSettings.txt file to the user directories? In a multiple user setup SambaSettings.txt must only exist in the user profiles, and never in the default shared location.
Have you logged into the server using both login accounts and setup SambaPOS for each terminal and associated print jobs?

Sounds to me like your SambaSettings.txt file is still in the default location which is why you had no errors, but then lost the Pole Display.

Yes I had a copy of SambaSettings in All Users although the pole display works again and does not do the same as before.

It was setup to show Sorry Till Closes when user logged out but this does not work no more.

I recreated the rule but this made no difference. I didnt think I needed to add the Pole Display to the tablet terminal

Should it make a difference if I change the conditions in the Pole Display from Terminal = Server to Terminal != Android.


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