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Manual Discount Value - Not by %

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I have been searching the forum but have not yet come across what I think is a very everyday occurrence. Today we wanted to add a 5Eur discount on a ticket and had to calculate what % that would be of a bill of 55Eur. it ended up being close to 9.05%... using a calculator

What would be the best way to add a button where you can enter the amount of discount through the numerator at the settle screen? Much like when you change the price of something...I guess.


Looks like your really getting into SambaPOS :)

There is no easy way to apply a $ discount to the ticket total, besides changing price on an item using the Change Price button.

Since we cannot make calculations like this using Rules & Actions, we can use Printer Templates instead.

1. Create a Printer Template 'Discount Rates' and use the following lines in the Footer

<T>Discount Ticket
<J01>Total|${TICKET TOTAL}
<J00>Discount Amount|Discount %
<J00>$5|[=Format(5 / ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 100)]%
<J00>$10|[=Format(10 / ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 100)]%
<J00>$15|[=Format(15 / ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 100)]%
<J00>$20|[=Format(20 / ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 100)]%

2. Create Print Job 'Discount Rates'
Button - 'Discount Rates'
Tick only - Display at POS & Display at Payment
Printing Content - All Lines
Auto Print - Manual
Map to your Receipt Printer using Discount Rates template

3. Add Discount Rates print job to your Terminal (Settings->Terminals)

4. Now you have a 'Discount Rates' button on your screen that will print a Discount Rates ticket like below

Discount Ticket
Total           $82.00
Discount Amount                   Discount %
$5                                     6.10%
$10                                   12.20%
$15                                   18.29%
$20                                   24.39%

Hope this helps.

FYI - SambaPOS V3 can do calculations using Rules & Actions :)

Sorry, is that not want the rounding button does, it still shows up as Discount on the work period reports.

Thats what we use, if we are just taking amounts of the ticket price at the end


Your spot on.

I've had my head in V3 for too long I think :)

Right, back to sq 1.

I will be surprised if it is difficult or not possible to subtract an amount of the ticket total in the form of a discount considering the stuff we can do with this software.

anyone else have any insights?


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