English Boards > Support

Manual Discount Value - Not by %

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If you apply a discount or rounding when settling a ticket this will be deducted from the total and depending on what printer template tags you use this will print correctly on your ticket.

There are various total printer tags that you can use which will probably print the ticket/bill/receipt just as you require


--- Quote from: Hugove on July 15, 2013, 12:11:04 pm ---Right, back to sq 1.

I will be surprised if it is difficult or not possible to subtract an amount of the ticket total in the form of a discount considering the stuff we can do with this software.

anyone else have any insights?

--- End quote ---

When discounting by an amount, type the amount at the Payment screen and press Round to deduct that value. If you don't have a Round button on the Payment screen, then it has been disabled in User Roles.

Got it, Me being thick!

Is there a rounding tag to display it on a printer template? I cannot recall seeing one. or does the discount tag do the same?

Just the Discount Tag. I use


The [] hides the text between then if a Tag is empty.


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