Author Topic: Any plans for a table plan screen?  (Read 16518 times)


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Any plans for a table plan screen?
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:11:22 pm »
Firstly, great job on a great, clean, usable pos!  I've been in catering for over 15 years and have been driven mad by bad/bloated pos software, but somehow so far sambopos seems to be able to do what it needs to and nothing more.

I understand v3 is intended to expand sambapos beyond bars and restaurants, but is there any plan to extend features specific to restaurants?  The biggest example would be a configurable table plan instead of just a big page of table buttons, but other features could include -

- Improved table/bill splitting merging and sharing
- User specific cash ups / tips
- Rota/wage module to handle payroll recording

Even without these sambapos seems great to me and I'm really looking forward to seeing how v3 works out!



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Re: Any plans for a table plan screen?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 05:48:55 am »
Hello chrismint

Open a Table Screen, change View Mode to custom and give a background image. When you come back to table screen and right click on it you'll be able to enable design mode and configure buttons as you want. For example

Sambapos does table splitting / merging. I'll be happy if you can tell us what do you mean by improved splitting...

Yes V3 will open a path for different types of businesses but every new V3 features are primarily for restaurants. For example you want to track server tips and wages. V3 will include a special accounting system simplified for restaurants. That means there will be no need to implement specific features / modules for tracking similar (tips, wages, customer credits, gift cards, etc) amounts.


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Re: Any plans for a table plan screen?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 08:39:43 am »
Just when I thought this software couldn't be any better.
Thank You


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Re: Any plans for a table plan screen?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 01:58:50 pm »
Welcome EricAllen :)