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2.84 Issues

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Issue 1. Pole display is not showing items other than the first one on the ticket. If you select A, B, C & D, only A shows. If you cancel A, B & D, then C will show. i think there is an issue with Print Jobs - New lines by Printer Line Count showing the first not last item selected.
Confirmed this issue presented in 2.83 - 2.82 worked OK.

Issue 2. Can not print the Work Period Report after clearing transactional data from SQL database - even after several transactions - I can view the report ok - just not print. Other reports are fine. What did I break ? The database must have corrupted when I cleared the data - I'm starting again and it seems ok this time.
Update - still can not clear transactional data without issues.
Update #2 - seems to be more related to ticket tags. I have removed the tags and since the WPR lists tags I think this is where the issue is.

Hi Emre,

I also found a problem with modifiers.

When I set up modifiers you could select say smoked salmon from free selection. You could then select salmon from paid extra and the ticket would show as

Salmon .70

In the update2.84 it just shows salmon x 2.

I had to rename paid Salmon to "Extra salmon" not a problem. Should same named items from different modifier lists remain separate items on the ticket?



My way of thinking would be along the lines of Salmon x 2. The kitchen wouldn't care how much the extra salmon is, and seeing Salmon x 2 on the kitchen ticket would mean twice as much.

As long as the price of the item is updated correctly for the extras, and the receipt prints Salmon x 2, then the customer should be happy - more so if They get what they ordered :)

This I guess depends on your way of thinking.

My next demo is to a cafe, so I may have a different view after that.

Hi John,

The problem is in earlier version the extra paid it showed as before on the screen ticket and the printed receipt.

Salmon .70 appears in ticket and is added to price

In the update2.84 it just shows salmon x 2. the second item does not update screen ticket price and appears as a free item. The update ticket price was also ticked in modifier options but didn't seem to make any difference.


John and Edgar.. Thank you for notifying the issues. I'll check them asap.. It seems we need a fine tuning on modifier printing. I'll first fix that merging issue and try to find a logic for printing them merged on ticket printer..


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