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Just a quick question!

Is it possible to print the exact amount the customer paid and the change if any.

For example, the total amount is $ 16.50
The customer paid in $20 bill
They should get $3.50 back.

I want this information to print out in the ticket and not just on the POS windows after the transaction.
Is it possible to print it on ticket?


Hi Leon,

Please look at this thread.
The answer is towards the end.
I asked exactly the same question.


Thanks a lot Edgar, I will try it!
It works great, but I found 1 problem though!
The print format only works for the amount for less than 1.000,00

Beyond that then the format is screw up.
For example: Let's say the amount is $ 1.009,00
And they paid with 21 of $100 bills, that would make $2100 (You'll see the reason why that much money below)

The print out would be :

Total : $1.009,00
Tendered: $2100,00
Change Due: $1091,00

Both on Tendered and Change Due is missing the Currency Format which is the dot (.)
Is there a way to get the format the same all the way? (with the dot for a thousand)



If you look up the old tickets, you will see that Tendered & Change Due amounts are stored as text (Tendered shown exactly how it was entered) - hence why it printed like that.

Ticket Tags is a unique SambaPOS feature that allows you to capture any kind of additional data on the tickets, and in this case, we are using it for amounts, but all data gets stored as text.

Yes, this is a bug, but only due to us moving beyond the original Ticket Tag specs, and as you can see we only started storing Tendered & Change Due amounts 3 weeks ago.

So, thank you for picking up on this and hopefully Emre and the team may find a solution for this now that its been raised.

In the mean time, if anyone asks why there's no commas in the amounts - Just tell them it costs more :)

Thanks for answer it John!

Actually, I might not found out about this bug IF my country's currency does not have that many zeros :P

I think I can live with it for awhile!

One quick question tho. Is it possible to have 2 templates and 2 print jobs for one printer?
I want one template for like the actual bill or invoice of the order (without the tender and change due).
And the other one for the receipt (with the tender and change due), after they paid then it will automatically print it.

I set the original one for the receipt,
I set the second one for invoice to auto print after the new line is input - does not working
Try to set to print manual, but the icon does not appear on the menu screen.

If I switch the other way around, the invoice will work but the receipt won't work.

Is there a way to do it?



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