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database locations

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Sorry, I don't know what happened to you - I never had that - It just installed, no issues. Fresh system, no updates loaded - not even Win 7 SP1.
The link I provided was recommended as it had the Management console in it for running the scripts and it is a 32Bit version.
You do get a warning if you install a 32Bit version on 64Bit Win 7.

Try this link to the newer SQL 2008 RC2 Express http://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/pd/SQLEXP08V2/enus/default.aspx - has both 32 & 64 Bit and also option to download with tools.
Just installed (SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe - 64 Bit SQL Server Express Database w/tools) this one on one of the office computers with Win 7 64Bit + Win 7 SP1 - No issues at all.

Hi John,
I downloaded sql express sp3 from here.


It installed fine.

I done know why some people get an not compatable problem.

See here.




That's why I updated the link to RC2 - it seems to have the fixes needed to get around the issues the earlier version of SQL 2008 Express had.
I just installed SQL 2008 Express RC2 on a new system with Win 7 32Bit (no updates at all - not even Win 7 SP1) and it installed with no issues.

I'll remember that John !!



--- Quote from: JohnS on February 06, 2012, 06:48:47 am ---

I re-wrote a SQL Express script based on Emre's dtran script, and it works well. The script removes all transactional data, leaving all products, actions, rules, menus, etc.

--- End quote ---

Where can i get this and instructions on how to use. Thanks


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