Author Topic: Defaulty Screen - Ticket NUmber Gets incremented  (Read 17196 times)


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Defaulty Screen - Ticket NUmber Gets incremented
« on: February 26, 2012, 03:13:39 am »
HI Emre/John,

Query not sure if it is a bug or I am doing something wroong.

In the default screen, which dislays the tickets that are under process. If we just press the items it is allowing to take orders without mentioning the table in case Restaurant and without mentioning the Customer for Delivery Service.

What is the motto/purpose behind this design?

The problem is once we select the orders, if we try to move it, it is just incrementing the Ticket Counters, which i felt is not the right way of doing?

pls correct me if i am wrong


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Re: Defaulty Screen - Ticket NUmber Gets incremented
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 03:56:18 am »

When you set Delivery, closing/settling a ticket will return you to the customer screen
When you set A-la Carte, closing/settling a ticket will return you to the tables screen
With no options set, it shows open tickets and allows you to start a new sale or select an existing sale and add more items or settle.

You can close both screens and start entering items without a table or customer, and this is used for cash sales like at a bar.

If you move a ticket/items it is assigned a new ticket number, but if you click change table then you can select a new table. If you have created a new ticket, you can assign it to a table or customer and it will retain it's ticket number.
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Re: Defaulty Screen - Ticket NUmber Gets incremented
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 04:04:06 am »
Some users have only 3-5 tables + fast food sales and they don't use a table screen. For this reason choosing a table / customer is not required. You can move this ticket to a empty table or merge with a table that already have a ticket. To be able to implement this I needed to waste a ticket number not to generate double ticket numbers across network. If you use tables it is better to choose a table first.


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Re: Defaulty Screen - Ticket NUmber Gets incremented
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 05:13:49 am »
Thanks john and Emre.

I was just wondering if some operational guy does that way by mistake, it might affect in our auditing time.

Anyways that s fine.