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Re-open a closed/cashed ticket

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Ok, first issue caused by my staff, hehehe

How do you re-open a closed ticket/invoice?

In this case the cashier select Cash instead of Credit card when cashing off? So can I re-open it and cash it off correctly?


Once a ticket is settled, it can not be modified - this is due to security reasons and to prevent fraud.

What I tell staff is,
- Run the sale again, this time correctly.
- Print out the incorrect ticket using Find Ticket Button.
- Write VOID on it, sign it and put it in the cash drawer.
- Adjust sales figures at end of night reconciling with the VOID tickets.

Refunds can be delt with in the same manner.

I understand the security risk, but that is why only certain users should get access to do stuff like that.

Thanks anyway John....

This has been discussed before, and I understand where you are coming from. The subject was touched unpon here - http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,91.0.html

I agree with Emre, that the negatives around the ability of reversing the mistakes outweights the positives, atleast with V2.

As per my last post, most managers seem happy with that scenario as less chance the staff can stuff up by editing settled tickets and making a bigger mess.

- Other than security the biggest issue on altering past financial data is making additional errors while correcting errors. If somebody changes cash to credit card on "ticket b" instead of "ticket a" that creates additional problems. For example if you don't store printed tickets elsewhere you won't be able to find the error. I don't know why but when we permit corrections that matching need happens everyday...
- If you permit error corrections you should give your admin pin so they'll be able to correct their errors when you leave for a reason. Believe me when you do that the most shared information between staff becomes the admin pin :)

Like I stated on the post John referenced we can make payment corrections or refunds through Cash. For making it easier we can implement a correction workflow similar to John's suggestion but we'll never permit altering past financial data.

Now I remembered a little trick. There is a "Only for Old Tickets" setting on print jobs. When you duplicate a bill print job, include it in mapping and mark it as "Only for Old Tickets"... SambaPOS will use that print job when printing paid tickets. It might be useful for adding big "REPRINTED FOR YOUR INFO, DO NOT PAY" title on old ticket reprints.


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