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Discount Reason & Value

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It is possible to add preset Discount Reasons & % Values.

I have customer loyalty programs where I need it.

Premium members = 10% discount when more the 150.00 spend
Telecom Thursday = 7.5% discount to all Telecom Employees eating in


That can be achieved with action/rule configuration. Basically what you need to do is creating a ticket tag named "Discount" and add your discount reasons as tag values. You'll also create rules and actions for automatically adding discount values when you choose a discount tag value. You can print tag values on bill for displaying discount reasons too. If it helps I can tell step by step details.

I thought that it would be possible with actions/rules.... Let me give it a shot, if I get stuck I will ask for some direction, then I can also learn a bit more about these actions/rules.


This is what I've done:

New Actions:

Action Name: Premium Member Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 10.0

Action Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 7.5

New Ticket Tag:
Ticket Tag Name: Discount
Do it after ticket selected: Refresh
Sub Tags: Telecom Thursday, Premium Member

New Rules:
Rule Name: Premium Member Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
Actions: Premium Member Discount

Rule Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
Actions: Telecom Thursday Discount

Add Discount ticket group to ticket tags.

It works, well kind off ..... problem is that whether I choose Premium Member Discount (10%) or Telecom Thursday Discount (7.5%) both just subtract 7.5% discount??

And how do I set it that when I click the X to remove the discount that the original amount is set?



--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 22, 2012, 05:45:22 am ---It works, well kind off ..... problem is that whether I choose Premium Member Discount (10%) or Telecom Thursday Discount (7.5%) both just subtract 7.5% discount??

--- End quote ---

Tag Value


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