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kitchen orders

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First of all compliments for the grat job you've done!

I own a Japanese restaurant in Roma and i'm thinking to adopt SAMBA instead of my actual POS.

I've bought it.... but it's one year that i'm fighting with assistance that never solve problems..... even the stupid one!!

I was a programmer and software analyst for company management software for something like 10 years so i've a bit of knowledge in accounting and storage matters....


I've a couple of questions about the kitchen orders

I give to all my guest a "Chef Welcome" this is gift and should not go on the bill.
It's possible to have some article not printed on the bill ?

The second question is regarding the customer orders, here usually people order all the food in one time but they don't want all the food at the same time.
It's possible to have all the order in one ticket with the food divided according the requested exiting order ?

For me this is very important because some preparation needs a lot of time, so if the kitchen receive all the order togheter could start some preparation even if they are for the second or third course.

If could be possible to have items not printed on the bill even if they are on the ticket send to the kitchen, could be possible to manage even the courses order.

Simply creating a group in the menu with articles called like *****COURSE 1**** or something like that and use this articles when u need to have a break in the order.

Many thanks


Have a look here for product grouping http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,218.msg1146.html#msg1146

Setup your products in groups as entrees, mains, dessert, etc to split them on the kitchen order.

If you leave Gift Line Template empty on Ticket Template, it will skip printing all gifted lines.

If you want to disable printing for individual items on Bills :

* Navigate to Settings > Printers
* Add a new printer, name it as "Null Printer", save it.
* Navigate to Settings > Print Jobs and open "Print Bill" by double clicking on it
* Add a new line on Print Mapping section, select "Ticket Printer" and "Ticket Template" on new line, leave all other values as *
* On first line change printer to "Null Printer" and select "Chef Welcome" from Product Column.
* Save it.Since Null Printer not configured to a physical printer it should skip all mapped printouts.


--- Quote from: JohnS on March 27, 2012, 02:54:49 pm ---Hi,

Have a look here for product grouping http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,218.msg1146.html#msg1146

Setup your products in groups as entrees, mains, dessert, etc to split them on the kitchen order.

--- End quote ---

Hi Johns,
Thanks for the answer but this solution don't solve my problems, i've some products like sashimi that could be ordered as appetizer first or second course so grouping as entrees is not a solution, i will get wrong exit order from the kitchen or i should replicate the same product under different groups and this will be a mess....

Thanks for the help!

I have come across the same problem.

Duplicate the items, because most of the time if an entree is ordered as a main, you would increase the portion size and cost. Yes its messy.


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