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Service template,Tax template,Price definition,Recipes,Modifier groups

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Am too new to the system and i seriously love it but trust me it is useless for me to know very few functions of the program yet i want to operate a restaurant with it.Any one with proper knowledge of the above and how each can function well.Please help me and share some knowledge because at times i get so stuck.Hope to hear from you soon.Please help me with examples too

Service Template - These are services that you charge as a fee like dine in surcharge, public holiday surcharge
Tax Template - These are for sales tax on products like VAT, GST
Price Definition - Allows multiple pricing tables for periods like happy hour, functions, etc
Recipes - This is used to track stock consumption and links inventory items to products
Modifier Groups - Allows you to modify products like adding fillings to a sandwich, adding sugar and milk to a coffee, toppings to a pizza

With the service templates, is it possible to setup an action/rule to charge a percentage to the ticket total? For instance, a force gratuity of 10% could apply to all tickets would like to calculate this each time the ticket total changes.

Hello. No need to create a rule for this. Just create the service template, name it as gratuity and assign it to a department. While creating the service template choose a percentage based calculation option and enter the percentage value. Additionally with rules you can dynamically change percentage amount for different conditions.

Can this be combined with tracking the number of guests as a trigger. For instance, once you have 8 guests on a table, a service charge will apply. This is pretty common in North America restaurants.


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