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Take Away order not printing with correct template

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Does the Print Job for your normal kitchen order ticket have * for the department in the Printer Mapping ? If so, change it to the Restaurant department (or what ever you named you primary department as)

I think the problem is that you have a Print Job that is catching all Kitchen Orders from all Departments.

If you have a dedicated terminal for Takeaway, remove the normal Kitchen Orders print job from that terminal.

--- Quote from: maozen on April 04, 2012, 04:27:27 pm ---printing content :
auto printer after :


--- End quote ---
Content : Only New Lines
Auto Print After : New Lines Added to Ticket

Hi guys thank to all for the suggestions but i can't let it work!!

I've done many tryes but at the end for me the only working solution is to use the standard print job and specify 3 different mappings (one for each of my department) with 2 different printer template, garden and yakiniku share the same template while Take Away have a different one because for me it's a virtual department (orders are taken at the restaurant counter) and don't have tables assigned.

I use the same printer because all the department refer to the same kitchen but with different menu. I think it should works even with different printers.


--- Quote from: maozen on April 11, 2012, 07:03:41 am ---Hi guys thank to all for the suggestions but i can't let it work!!

I've done many tryes but at the end for me the only working solution is to use the standard print job and specify 3 different mappings (one for each of my department) with 2 different printer template,

--- End quote ---

So does it work as you expected?
We normally create additional print jobs for manual prints or creating duplicates of automatic prints. For choosing different templates for different departments we normally add new mappings under a print job.

Sorry i don't want be misundertood i'm really thank to all people in the forum that are really helpfull!!
All the suggestion i had in this tread was seems having a sense but some of them doesn't work.
I've just posted how i solved to help ohter people who could have the same problem and the last Emre post was extrimly clear and really helpfull to explain the logic behind the program and how it works.

Another time
Thanks to all the people who developed and support this fantastic program.
Hope too be operative soon!! :)

There can be more than one way to solve a problem, and everyone has their own setup which can make things a little harder to rectify issues.

With printing issues like wrong template being used, always check that your existing print jobs are assigned to the correct Terminals, and that the printer mappings are set for the correct department. Using * for a department creates what we call a 'Catch All'. This means that this print job will always print tickets for any department.

And remember that print jobs are executed in the order that they are listed in Manage->Print Jobs. If you have issues with the wrong template, remove that print job from the Terminal and test again.

Issues may not always be with what changes you have just made, but can be because of an existing setup that is not filtering for new departments.


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