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viewing & editing ctickets

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Ok, I'll try that. But I just had another issue... I rang up a customer as a credit card - and then their credit card was denied so they paid cash. Since the check was closed - I had no way to modify the payment from credit card to cash.

So we need the ability for admins to edit a closed check in a bad way.

please :)

prismbeer admins can change any record on SambaPOS but not paid tickets. There is an easy solution. Don't click "Credit Card" button before processing the credit card. This is easier than altering old records for correcting mistakes. We saw lots of admins who changes Cash payments to Credit Card intentionally and process their own credit card instead to grab some free cash. For such reasons we decided not to permit corrections by altering financial data. You should make corrections through Cash Drawer module by creating an inverse transaction and describing the issue. This will force employee to keep record of mistakes and at a later time you (or managers) will be aware of the issue and know why that correction needed. This is our strict policy and we won't change it in our official releases.


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