SambaPOS Forum
English Boards => Off Topic => Topic started by: CafeCuppio on March 08, 2012, 07:56:46 am
Well, server setup done ....... Restaurant terminal setup done ...... Now busy doing the Take-Away terminal .... Can't wait to have everything ..... Just need to get another touch screen ... :-\
Take Away Terminal done ..... now for the tweaking part ......
Sounds like your having fun and making progress.
yeah, just a shame all the fun got overshadowed by financial issues, think i should start selling SambaPOS, lol
Now for the boring part ..... adding all the products ..... did not think I had to much, lol
If you have one already configured with the menu then I think you should just transfer it to the new terminal instead of re-adding the whole product list. BTW, I'm somewhat similar to you, I've set up SambaPOS already on my restaurant but I'm in search for a small epson printer and touch screen -_- cheap ones of course... money is such a big issue here sigh...
If you have one already configured with the menu then I think you should just transfer it to the new terminal instead of re-adding the whole product list.
Nope, this is a complete new setup, the current POS I use is Floreant so I am not even going to attempt to stuck my head into that bees nest to try and export the current menu, lol
Back to SambaPOS .... after an unproductive weekend, SambaPOS wise (had to move to a new house)...... I am back ....
Now I need to finish the product listing, then have my staff play around. They are very good at testing stuff to the limit!! Then I need to find a way to reset all the sales data and stuff on SambaPOS without screwing up the DB so that we can launch it this coming weekend!
Yes, I will do a backup of the DB first. lol
You can either backup the database or use SambaPOS Training mode. It's located in the training folder under SambaPOS2 in the program files directory.
You can either backup the database or use SambaPOS Training mode. It's located in the training folder under SambaPOS2 in the program files directory.
Problem is that so many testing and playing around already happened, so I need to clean out that data and work period stuff.
That happens to us all at some point.
The attached file has the SQL Query to remove transactional data from the SambaPOS SQL Express database. Open SQL Server Management Studio navigate to SambaData2 database, right click and create a new Query and paste in the contents of the file below and Execute.
That happens to us all at some point.
The attached file has the SQL Query to remove transactional data from the SambaPOS SQL Express database. Open SQL Server Management Studio navigate to SambaData2 database, right click and create a new Query and paste in the contents of the file below and Execute.
Very useful SQL script! Thanks for sharing!
That happens to us all at some point.
The attached file has the SQL Query to remove transactional data from the SambaPOS SQL Express database. Open SQL Server Management Studio navigate to SambaData2 database, right click and create a new Query and paste in the contents of the file below and Execute.
Woop Woop!! All product listed .... some tweaking still need to take place but at least I can get my staff to play around and see if they can break it, hehehe
So far, so good ..... big launch day is Sunday, not too busy day so will be great to take it for a real test.....
thanks to JohnS and Enre for assisting with the tweaking, will see what else is needed....
And as luck would have it .... my take-away terminal's drive crashed today ..... darn!
Take-away machine sorted, well replaced actually and this is what I love ... Setup cannot be any easier ....
So the day went good so far, was only the restaurant in action today, tomorrow will be the restaurant as well as the take-away. There are still a bit of tweaking to be done but so far I am happy, just waiting how the reporting and the cash-up will go when we close in about 30min ...
thanks again to all that helped on the forum and thanks to the SambaPOS team for an excellent product!
Hello CafeCuppio.. Keep sharing your experiences for helping us on making it a better product. Our team thanks you too for giving a chance to SambaPOS.
Woo Hoo - Site #2 Live Today.
Nice one John!
Just starting to do the cash-up for the Take Away department .... lets see if there are any surprizes ...
Ok, Take-away cash-up went good, no issues there, but I did however notice something...
Under Department Sales summary it show the total sales for both my departments (Restaurant & Take-Away). then you have the more detailed report like Restaurant Incomes & Take-Away Incomes ... Well, my Take-away figures match, but not my Restaurant figures, why would there be a difference between the summary and the details income reports? Please see attached screenshot.
Can you post whole report?
I think i found the missing amount, I just want to close the day of. And yes, Tips and open tickets does cause a difference ;)
I think i found the missing amount, I just want to close the day of. And yes, Tips and open tickets does cause a difference ;)
To accurately report there must be no open tickets.
Yip, thanks John .... guess it is only a matter of getting used to the new report format, different departments and all the other new goodies ;)
Can you post whole report?
Here is a screenshot of the whole report, there are still some numbers that does not make sense or I am missing something.
Hello, Can you take a backup of your database and send to ?
Hello, Can you take a backup of your database and send to ?
Wooop wooop, already 300 tickets done since Sunday....
I found a corrupted ticket (#286)
Tendered amount record shows that when it settled the ticket total was 29.00 but for a reason amount increased to 36.00 after ticket closed. That $7.00 difference is here. It seems we have an unexpected case here. Do you have any idea how that can happen? For example does two terminals accesses same ticket at the same time for a reason? Do you change that items price manually?
I found a corrupted ticket (#286)
Tendered amount record shows that when it settled the ticket total was 29.00 but for a reason amount increased to 36.00 after ticket closed. That $7.00 difference is here. It seems we have an unexpected case here. Do you have any idea how that can happen? For example does two terminals accesses same ticket at the same time for a reason? Do you change that items price manually?
aaaaaah, now I remember. I know what happened.
It was 2 MISC items bought, one item was 18, the other was 11. I remember that when the invoice printed that it showed 36 for some reason, but it was a busy time so I just checked that the change given was correct.
So it seems that you cannot have 2 MISC (Priced 0 and then prices changed) items on one ticket.
Used the MISC Item as described here:,292.0.html (,292.0.html)
I found a corrupted ticket (#286)
Tendered amount record shows that when it settled the ticket total was 29.00 but for a reason amount increased to 36.00 after ticket closed. That $7.00 difference is here. It seems we have an unexpected case here. Do you have any idea how that can happen? For example does two terminals accesses same ticket at the same time for a reason? Do you change that items price manually?
aaaaaah, now I remember. I know what happened.
It was 2 MISC items bought, one item was 18, the other was 11. I remember that when the invoice printed that it showed 36 for some reason, but it was a busy time so I just checked that the change given was correct.
So it seems that you cannot have 2 MISC (Priced 0 and then prices changed) items on one ticket.
Well.. strange bug. I'll take care of it shortly.
Used the MISC Item as described here:,292.0.html (,292.0.html)
Yes you used it correctly but it seems there is something wrong when there are two MISC items.
no worries .... happy to hunt bugs ....... and have the eliminated ... ;)
OK. I found it. Our merger code does not expect same items with different prices. So it duplicated $18 line. I fixed that and I'll release 2.91b shortly...
Thank you very much for your help. If you didn't remember that we couldn't be able to find the problem :)
no problem, always happy to help and also thank you for your quick response and help!
May I ask a question? Why did you used blank table view for TakeAway department?
May I ask a question? Why did you used blank table view for TakeAway department?
I switched the Take Away side also to A La Carte away from Fast Food to assist the casier to close tickets easier to get them in "waiting" state. So if no table layout is selected it used the Restaurant layout by default and this confuse the Take Away cashier too much, so I just selected blank table view since there are not tables used for the take away.
Did you tried choosing no department type and no table view for Take Away department? I'll be happy if you can share your thoughts about this.
Did you tried choosing no department type and no table view for Take Away department? I'll be happy if you can share your thoughts about this.
Hmmm, no department type .... i will give it a try and let you know.
Cool, looks good so far..... will let you know if I run into any problems. Thanks
hello, im Juan from Argentina, i was reading your hole post and i was realize that i will use the same configuration that you with the program, could be posible that you post or send me your server and terminal configuration and/or database? it too much?
hello, im Juan from Argentina, i was reading your hole post and i was realize that i will use the same configuration that you with the program, could be posible that you post or send me your server and terminal configuration and/or database? it too much?
Sorry for this very late reply, were you able to get your stuff setup??
Well, firstly my apologies for not being as active on the forum as I used to be and liked to be, unfortunately life happened .... 3 kids, 2 businesses and 1 wife ... ;)
I just thought to pop in and give a little update, I have at last started to use the stock control feature. It was a bit to setup but it sure is flexible. I am not planning to use it to the full extend like for each and every dish recipe, but I want more control over my drinks and this will sure help a lot.
Emre, you are still a hero in my books, keep up the good work and the great service!!
hey! thanks anyway, i finally figureout how to solve all my problems i´d configure a server and to tablets to the waiters, i´m very happy with the POS its the best, even better than other that you have to pay!