Author Topic: Quick Reference Guide  (Read 36005 times)


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Quick Reference Guide
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:44:25 am »
The information contained in this thread is gathered from various posts within the Forum, the Wiki, and from personal setups by SambaPOS users, and is intended to assist new users gather knowledge on the flexibility and customization that is possible within SambaPOS.

Please post issues or questions in the original posts.

Contents of this thread

1. Pole Displays
2. Printing Change Due & Amount Tendered on Receipts
3. Printing Products by Product Group or Tag
4. Printing Ticket Note
5. Last Sale Total
6. Adding Buttons for Fixed Rate Discounts
7. Formatting Numbers In Printer Templates
8. Receipt printer control codes to open attached cash drawer
9. Make the receipt printer beep when printing

To Do List
- Installing SQL Express - The fool proof way
- Converting Compact SQL to SQL Express
- Clearing transactional data after testing (CE & SQL)
- Default Ticket Tags
- Holding Tickets
- Takeaway order Numbers

- If you would like something added, please PM me.
- Each guide here takes time to test and document to be as accurate as possible, please be patient.
- Always BACKUP your database before making changes.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:17:40 pm by JohnS »
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.


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Pole Displays
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 02:07:34 am »
Pole Display Setup

Original Post -,80.0.html

- For multiple terminal setups, make sure that the COM port used is available on all terminals, and setup the Pole Display on each terminal to use this same COM port.
- When you add the print jobs listed below to all your terminals, SambaPOS assumes that every terminal has a Pole Display connected and is on the COM port you have selected in create a new printer setup.
- For remote devices that will use RDP like ThinClients, other computers, PDA's, iPod's & iPad's, make sure that these terminals do not have the print jobs active as you will get sharing violations on the host computer - multiple users on a terminal server can not share a COM port on the server.

- To have a Pole Display working on a terminal, SambaPOS must be installed on the local computer.

Create a new Printer
Settings -> Printers -> Add Printer
   - Printer Name = Pole Display
   - Printer Share Name / Port Name = COM3 (or whatever the COM port number that your pole display is connected to)
   - Printer Type = Port Printer
   - Character Set = 437 (or whatever page code suits your country)
   - Line Count = 1
   - Line Character Count = 20 (characters per line)

Create a Banner for when a terminal is idle

Printer Template for Idle Banner
Settings -> Printer Templates -> Add Printer Template
   - Template Name = Pole Display Banner
   - Header Template (modify as needed for a two line display)
      <XCT 12>

   - there is a single space after the <C> which gives a blank line

Print Job for Banner
Settings -> Print Jobs -> Add print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Banner
   - Printing Content = All Lines
   - Auto Print After = Manual
   - Add Mapping
      - Select Pole Display as Printer
      - Select Pole Display Banner as Printer Template

Add new Action for Banner
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Pole Display Banner
   - Action Type = Execute Print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Banner

Add new Rule for Idle Banner at User Login
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Logged In Banner
   - Event Name = User Login
   - Actions = Pole Display Banner

Add new Rule for Idle Banner when Ticket Closed
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Pole Display Banner
   - Event Name = Ticket Closed
   - Actions = Pole Display Banner

Add new Print Job to Terminal
Settings -> Terminals -> {Select the terminal}
   - Print Jobs -> Select Print Job
      - Add Print Job Pole Display Banner
Logout and Log back in to active.

Create Terminal Is Closed Banner

Printer Template for Section Closed
Settings -> Printer Templates -> Add Printer Template
   - Template Name = Pole Display Closed
   - Header Template (modify as needed for a two line display)
      <XCT 12>
      <C>This Section

Print Job for Closed
Settings -> Print Jobs -> Add print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Closed
   - Printing Content = All Lines
   - Auto Print After = Manual
   - Add Mapping
      - Select Pole Display as Printer
      - Select Pole Display Closed as Printer Template

Add new Action for Closed
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Pole Display Closed
   - Action Type = Execute Print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Closed

Add new Rule for Idle Banner when SambaPOS Starts
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = System Startup
   - Event Name = Application Started
   - Actions = Pole Display Closed

Add new Rule for Closed when User Logs Off
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Logged Out Closed
   - Event Name = User Logout
   - Actions = Pole Display Closed

Add new Print Job to Terminal
Settings -> Terminals -> {Select the terminal}
   - Print Jobs -> Select Print Job
      - Add Print Job Pole Display Closed
Logout and Log back in to active.

Create Items Display

Printer Template for Items
Settings -> Printer Templates -> Add Printer Template
   - Template Name = Pole Display Items
   - Header Template
      <XCT 12>
   - Line Template
      <J00>{NAME}| ${TOTAL AMOUNT}
   - Footer Template (remove the first two lines for a 2 line display)
      <R>Total ${TICKET TOTAL}

   - there is a single space after the <L> which gives a blank line

Print Job for Items
Settings -> Print Jobs -> Add print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Items
   - Printing Content = New Lines by Printer Line Count
   - Auto Print After = Manual
   - Add Mapping
      - Select Pole Display as Printer
      - Select Pole Display Items as Printer Template

Add new Action for Items
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Pole Display Items
   - Action Type = Execute Print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Items

Add new Rule for Items Added
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Pole Display Items
   - Event Name = Ticket Total Changed
   - Actions = Pole Display Items

Add new Rule for Idle Banner when all items removed from ticket
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Ticket Total Zero
   - Event Name = Ticket Total Changed
   - Conditions
      - Ticket Total = 0
   - Actions = Pole Display Banner

Add new Print Job to Terminal
Settings -> Terminals -> {Select the terminal}
   - Print Jobs -> Select Print Job
      - Add Print Job Pole Display Items
Logout and Log back in to active.

Create Total Display

Printer Template for Total
Settings -> Printer Templates -> Add Printer Template
   - Template Name = Pole Display Total
   - Header Template
      <XCT 12>
   - Footer Template
      <J00>Total|${TICKET TOTAL}
      <J00>Change Due|${SETTING:CHANGEDUE}
      <C>- Thank You -

Print Job for Total
Settings -> Print Jobs -> Add print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Total
   - Printing Content = All Lines
   - Auto Print After = Manual
   - Add Mapping
      - Select Pole Display as Printer
      - Select Pole Display Total as Printer Template

Add new Action for Total
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Pole Display Total
   - Action Type = Execute Print Job
   - Print Job Name = Pole Display Total

Add new Action for Change Due
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Update Change Due
   - Action Type = Update Program Setting
   - Setting Name = CHANGEDUE
   - Setting Value = [Setting Value]
   - Update Type = Update
   - IsLocal = True

Add new Action for Amount Tendered
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Update Tendered Amount
   - Action Type = Update Program Setting
   - Setting Name = TENDERED
   - Setting Value = [Setting Value]
   - Update Type = Update
   - IsLocal = True

Add new Rule for Reset Change Due & Tendered
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Reset Change Due and Tendered
   - Event Name = Ticket Created
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = 0
      - Update Change Due - Setting Value = 0

Add new Rule for Update Change Due & Tendered
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Update Change Due and Tendered
   - Event Name = Change Amount Updated
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = [TenderedAmount]
      - Update Change Due - Setting Value = [ChangeAmount]

Add new Rule for Total
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Pole Display Total
   - Event Name = Change Amount Updated
   - Actions = Pole Display Total

Add new Print Job to Terminal
Settings -> Terminals -> {Select the terminal}
   - Print Jobs -> Select Print Job
      - Add Print Job Pole Display Total
Logout and Log back in to active.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 02:09:56 am by JohnSCS »
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.


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Printing Change Due & Amount Tendered on Receipts
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 08:50:44 am »
Printing Change Due & Amount Tendered on Receipts

Original Post -,133.0.html

Change Due & Amount Tendered are not stored by default.
These instructions allow you to store these amounts and to print these on your receipts and on re-printed receipts.

Add Change Due & Tendered to Receipt Template
Settings -> Printer Templates -> {Select your receipt template} -> Edit Printer Template
   - Add the following into the Footer Template section (format as required)
      <J00>Change Due|${TICKETTAG:Change Due}

Add new Action Ticket Tag - Amount Tendered
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Ticket Tag - Tendered
   - Action Type = Update Ticket Tag
   - Tag Name = Tendered
   - Tag Value = [Setting Value]

Add new Action Ticket Tag - Change Due
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Ticket Tag - Change Due
   - Action Type = Update Ticket Tag
   - Tag Name = Change Due
   - Tag Value = [Setting Value]

Add new Rule for Update Change Due & Tendered
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Update Change Due and Tendered
   - Event Name = Change Amount Updated
   - Actions
      - Ticket Tag - Tendered - Setting Value = [TenderedAmount]
      - Ticket Tag - Change Due - Setting Value = [ChangeAmount]

Add new Rule for no Change Due
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = No Change Due
   - Event Name = Payment Received
   - Conditions
      - Setting Check - TENDERED = 0
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = [Amount]
      - Ticket Tag - Tendered - Setting Value = [Amount]
      - Ticket Tag - Change Due - Setting Value = 0.00

« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:14:32 pm by JohnS »
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.


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Printing Products by Product Group or Tag
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 09:53:49 am »
Printing Products by Product Group or Tag

Original Post -,164.0.html

In some cases you may want to print kitchen orders or receipts grouped by Product Group or by Product Tag.

Add Product Group or Tag to Kitchen and/or Receipt Template
Settings -> Printer Templates -> {Select your template} -> Edit Printer Template
   - Add the following into the Group Template section (format as required)

To create a more defined separation between groups try this instead
      <C01>{PRODUCT GROUP}

« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 10:36:46 am by JohnSCS »
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.


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Printing Ticket Note
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 10:21:52 am »
Printing Ticket Note

Original Post -,140.0.html

So, you want to print the Ticket Note on the Kitchen Order tickets. Here's how.

Add Ticket Note to Kitchen and/or Receipt Template
Settings -> Printer Templates -> {Select your template} -> Edit Printer Template
   - Add the following at the end of Header Template section (format as required)

To create a more defined separation between Ticket Notes and the Header Text try this instead

The square brackets [] surrounding the above code hides the Ticket Note heading if there is no Ticket Note defined.
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Last Sale Total
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 05:55:08 am »
Last Sale Total.

A common problem I have witnessed when using the Fast Food Department, is staff clicking Cash Payment, Credit Card or Voucher and not remembering the total of the sale.

My solution is to show the Last Sale Total on the Application Subtitle section of the screen (next to SAMBA POS on the top left corner).
This total will stay until the next ticket has been settled.

Add new Action for Last Sale
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Last Sale
   - Action Type = Update Application Subtitle
   - Title = [Setting Value]
   - Color = {select your choice of colour}
   - Font Size = {leave blank}

Add new Rule for Last Sale
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Last Sale
   - Event Name = Payment Received
   - Actions
      - Last Sale - Setting Value = Last Sale - $[Amount]

To list last payment type aswell, change the Setting Value above to
Last Sale - $[Amount] [PaymentType]

To remove the Last Sale Total when entering a new ticket

Add new Rule for Last Sale - Clear
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Last Sale - Clear
   - Event Name = Ticket Created
   - Actions
      - Last Sale - Setting Value = {enter a single blank space}
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 04:11:50 pm by JohnS »
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Re: Quick Reference Guide
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 05:26:53 am »
Adding buttons for fixed rate discounts

Original Post:,316.msg1703.html#msg1703

New Actions:

Action Name: Premium Member Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 10.0

Action Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 7.5

Action Name: No Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 0

Action Name: Remove Discount Tag
Action Type -> Update Ticket Tag
Tag Name: Discount

New Ticket Tag:

Ticket Tag Name: Discount
Do it after ticket selected: Refresh
Sub Tags: Telecom Thursday, Premium Member, No Discount

New Rules:

Rule Name: Premium Member Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? Premium Member
Actions: Premium Member Discount

Rule Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? Telecom Thursday
Actions: Telecom Thursday Discount

Rule Name: No Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? No Discount
Actions: No Discount, Remove Ticket Tag

Add Discount ticket group to ticket tags in the relevant department you want to use it.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 05:28:42 am by emre »


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Formatting Numbers in Printer Templates
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 04:03:05 pm »
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:10:19 pm by JohnS »


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Make Printer Beep
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2013, 08:02:40 am »
Codes to make your receipt printer beep when printing. Note that this may not work for all printers.


<XCT 27,7>

<Bxy> x = count, y = duration
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.