English Boards > Support


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I must be missing something, because I can't get it to behave like that.

Hi John,

Just tried again. Yep the modifiers toggle.

I enclosed a screen shot.


Modifiers will toggle if "quantity selection" feature is not enabled. When enabled it will increase quantity on each click... If single selection is enabled you can only select one item from a group.

Decreasing quantity feature is another story.. We'll need additional visual controls for increasing / decreasing quantities. I'm trying to keep this screen as simple as possible. With V3 modifiers totally rewritten and renamed as "Order Tags". We'll have more options there..

IMHO, for small changes on quantity (for example from 2 to 1) removing / adding it again will work faster. You'll receive the "Remove Modifier" button on next release. Removing all modifiers from a single group with X button will work too...


Yep. I was right.

I was missing the obvious !!

Thanks guys.

PS - Nice job on the modifiers Edgar. Looks good.

Hi John,

Its only a demo because there's going to be a change in menu- hence mayonnaise spelling error!

It would be good to be able to colour(color) the separate modifier categories background and text to make them stand better (not that there's anything wrong with them :))



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