I was going to give you some pointers, and make you work for it

. But it was easier this way.
Set 3 Actions
1. Name - 3 Toppings. Action - Show Message 'Pick 3 toppings'
2. Name - 3 Toppings Used. Action - Show message 'Allowed number of toppings picked'
3. Name - Inc Mod Count. Action - Update Program Settings. Name: FreeMods, Value: 1, Type: Increase, IsLocal: True
Set 4 Rules
1. Name - Reset Mod Count. Event - Line Added to Ticket, Action - Update Program Settings - Name: FreeMods, Value: 0
2. Name - Inc Mod Count. Event - Modifier Selected, Actions - Inc Mod Count
3. Name - Free Mods Msg. Event - Modifier Selected, Setting Check - FreeMods = 1, Actions - 3 Toppings
4. Name - Used Mods Msg. Event - Modifier Selected, Setting Check - FreeMods > 2, Actions - 3 Toppings Used
Logoff & Logon.
- This will apply to all product modifiers. You can lock this down to an item or modifier group by the conditions in the Rules 2-4.
- It does not stop you adding more modifiers.
- Rule 3 activates on selection of first modifier.
- Rule order is critical as rules execute in the order they are created - top to bottom.
Have fun with this.