English Boards > Support

Enabling Inventory

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Hi Cafecuppio,

Does that now mean you can set inventory correctly now?


no no, it means that the product is setup correctly.

There is another product with same name maybe?

Yes there is and that is where it gets interesting ... well, kind of..... I sell the same product in both the restaurant and in the take-away, but there is a price difference between the 2 departments. Should I have different names for the same product should they be used in both departments?

For using different prices on different departments you can use "price definitions"
Navigate to Management > Products > Price Definition List and add a price definition. For example "Take Away Prices" for Name and "ta" for Price Tag.

When you enter Price List editor you'll see a new column labelled as "ta" for Take Away prices.
After entering prices edit Take Away department and choose "ta" as Price Tag

When Take Away prices used cashier will see a little "ta" label next to prices.

As an alternative to automatic discounts  you can use this feature for defining discounted prices too. That will give the possibility of using different discount amounts on different products or totally disabling discounts for specific items.


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