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Enabling Inventory

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Thanks Emre, this will be something for the weekend when the take away section is closed so that I can re-organize it all.

So you'll be busy on weekend :) Not relates with your question but while working on your backup I thought you'll like this tip for the menu buttons.


--- Quote from: emre on March 23, 2012, 05:34:21 am ---So you'll be busy on weekend :) Not relates with your question but while working on your backup I thought you'll like this tip for the menu buttons.

--- End quote ---

Awsome ... thanks .... just what I was looking for ... thanks for giving me more work, lol

Emre, thanks the price definitions works great.

I did stumble onto another issue, 3 of the duplicate product I tried to delete gave the following error (see attachment) and then SambaPos crash.

I was exploring on the inventory part today.
Is there a easy way to upload the inventory items and create the transaction document, like Adding products in a batch.

Do we have some sample  inventory items, recipes and Transaction Documents, just to understand the meaning of how we should enter the data into those tabs.

Thanks Guys :-


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