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kitchen orders

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2.94 has been a welcomed improvement with the modifications to the {ITEM TAG} feature.

I now have Seats sorted and working.

You can select Course & Seat, and it prints grouped by course listing each seats order.
March notification starts at first course by default.
Everytime you select a Course, the Seat resets to Seat 1.

Adding the Seat was as simple as duplicating the Ticket Tag, Rules & Actions of the Course function. The trick is in the 'Update New Line Tag' Rule, change the value to {:COURSE}|{:SEAT}
Then add {ITEM TAG:1} to the front of the Line Template on the Kitchen Orders.

I also added some Rules & Actions to reset the tags on Ticket Create - just to make things a little faster and easier.

Great Sample!
Should we sort group names alphanumerically?


--- Quote from: emre on April 09, 2012, 04:00:21 am ---Great Sample!
Should we sort group names alphanumerically?

--- End quote ---
Probably a good idea.
Can we tag the GROUP TEMPLATE in some way to turn sorting on/off? like ascending <ASC>, descending <DES> to enable sorting options.

The reason Course 3 is at the top of the Kitchen Ticket is beacuse of the ITEM TAG v's Modifiers bug. Anything modified goes to the top.


--- Quote from: JohnS on April 09, 2012, 04:28:23 am ---The reason Course 3 is at the top of the Kitchen Ticket is beacuse of the ITEM TAG v's Modifiers bug. Anything modified goes to the top.

--- End quote ---

OK. I'll fix that and if still needed we can implement sort.

Because we named them as course 1, course 2 I logically think they should follow that order but keeping them in the order they entered will be more useful.


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