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How to track tip of waiters?

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So what happens when you select a Waiter ? Does it set a Ticket Tag? Can you send a screen shot.

yes, it appears on the bottom of the screen with guest count, see attached

You are missing the Actions in http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,485.msg7134.html#msg7134

When you select a Waiter, it should add a service charge.
In the Rule for each Waiter, make sure you have the EXACT name that you set in the waitron sub tags.

You should have a Service Template, Action & Rule for EACH Waiter.


I have chosen one waiter to try it on and did create the action see attached. There is something very small wrong here. I have checked that service template, action and rule exist and that the spelling is correct. have a quick look.

Thanks to the Brilliant Johns we have managed to find a solution for this:

Create Ticket tag: Waitron
Sub tags: John, Hugo, etc (all the waitron names)
Check: use on POS

Create action: Tips
Action Type: Update ticket service amount
Service Template: [Service Template]
Amount: [Gratuity Amount]

Rule: John Tips
Event Name: Ticket tag selected
Tag name: = Gratuity
Ticket tag: ? waitron:John

Select actions: Tips
Service Template: [John Tips]
Gratuity Amount: [TagValue]


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