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Recipt printer - wrap long lines

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--- Quote from: mozhi on March 04, 2012, 04:42:13 am ---http://www.tvs-e.in/product.aspx?pid=5. This is the website. But not much information  is present.

--- End quote ---

The specs only shows USB & Parallel.

The Drivers will be C:\VENDOR THERMAL PRINTER 3.X\

They remove the parallel port and replace it with ethernet port.

How do i  upload the ip configuration to the printer. There is a button near the ethernet port, when i press it it prints

The machine gives a standalone receipt with the below information
MAC Address: 44:A8:C2:00:53:60
Ip Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway: < This Ip I set it to my server where DHCp is running)

Run the setup program again and change the IP address to Then print the test ticket.
If it shows the new IP then its ready to use. You should be able to send a windows test print to it.

I just installed the drivers onto my computer and everything looks good

can you explain the process in detail. How do i send a windows test print

I  just re-installed the printer again and set the new Ip to and tried to ping that Ip but it is not reachable.

New Ip: - Not reachable
Old Ip: - reachable even after the installation.

Not sure if I am testing the same way as you told?


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